
This looks like a nothingburger to me. But you guys have any more information on this at all?

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No information, but the obvious reason behind doing this is to prevent the US from arming Taiwan.

Cut off the flow of arms and you cut off the legs of Taiwan as a useful proxy force against China.

But the Taiwanese are not stupid. They've watched the US spill the blood of an entire generation of Ukraine's men without blinking. I can't see the Taiwanese sacrificing themselves so willingly.

@UncleIroh That's what I was thinking as well. It's not imminent towards conflict and China is extending regional power. it'll be a nothing burger bc Taiwan is likely not suicidal. Perhaps they work out a deal where their leaders get on a plane and leave at a specific date. The US is the wild card.


The other wildcard is that the world has not seen how China handles modern warfare.

As TFM says, we'll find out together. Sure is interesting though.

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