I thought today was Saturday. Luckily I didn't have any meetings today, but holy shit! I think I need to start taking my lions mane mushroom again. My insomnia is causing me to lose track of what day of the week it is again.

The only reason I realized it was Friday was because I was preparing for my livestream and I was wondering why my alarm didn't go off.

@Tfmonkey It blends together for me, but for the reason of working months straight. Every day becomes the same. I enjoy it somewhat, enjoy my hobbies, and it is to at least feel more prepared for things. Plus ya know what independence it can bring having extra around.

@Tfmonkey Also, after a wee drinking. I am just so fucking glad I can be a man who just loves being industrious. My wild mind just finds moving things, parts, and systems so god damn neat. It keeps me sane with how much I am around it all.


@Tfmonkey It very much is. I have learned to get away from work more at least now as well. Too easy for me to get sucked in for a long while.

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