NEVER go into debt for consumer goods.

My MacBook pro was 3700 and I paid 300$ a month and just paid it off.

I was only half retarted because I

1. Never paid a dime of interest thanks to the apple card.

2. Thanks to inflation I paid a little less than if I had bought it in cash up front.

3. My credit score went up paying it back.

But it was still a dumb move.

I should have just waited a year and bought it on used in cash like I do with phones.


@basedbagel There is utility in doing so for something you for certain have the immediate cash for and budget it. What I do is I make sure it allows me to pay it off early so I'll do like 2 payments, make sure I pull the cash out aside dedicated for it whenever I do so. I rarely do this though and have done it maybe 4 times ever.

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