The whole Hamas attack on Israel should be considered another consequence of the declining American empire. I am going assume that members of Hamas and other groups are not uncritically accepting what Western news propaganda proclaims to be true (e.g. UKRAINE IS TOTALLY WINNING GUYS). They know the US is weak, and they figure now is the time to attack "OUR GREATEST ALLY" when we are less capable of helping them, considering the US military's current levels of incompetence.

I swear if the US sends troops to help Israel, I am going to be mad. Yeah, how many troops did our "greatest ally" send when our military was in Iraq and Afghanistan? So we should send just as many to them.

Though it might be another opportunity of embarrassment for our troops to fumble in being helpful, otherwise show that we are not the invincible force that the US government has been proclaiming. I guess we will see.

And if this starts WWIII (or progresses it further if it indeed has already started), I will not be too happy either. But perhaps that is inevitable, and this is just the time it would happen. After all, there is no way that the US can remain on top of the pecking order for all time. There has never yet been a permanent empire, and that is not going to change because we are somehow special or "the good guys." No, the US will go down. How quickly that happens remains to be seen.

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