How is the job market for you guys?

I've been on the hunt recently and I feel like I'm dating in a leftist shithole while broke and short.


@basedbagel It is surprisingly thin in some industries it seems. Otherwise there are tons of 'postings' that I'm qualified for, but not getting calls as per usual.

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@FinalDresdonation Thank for the sanity check.

Good to know it's not just me.

I'm looking for a new job as ANOTHER female got promoted above me.

But this job market is so shit I'm glad I didn't quit before I started looking.

@basedbagel I just always keep my eyes open. I'm not in a bad spot, but have much more preferable areas to be. I'd like to make that jump at some point.

I feel that getting passed over bit a little. Though I'm being stone walled right now and as I said moving in preferable. Companies must be in some sort of 'recession fear' mode because it was not even months ago that internally we had so much open and there were postings everywhere. Due to how specific our work is no way those got filled.

@FinalDresdonation Same here but TBH I' have no desire to go back into the office.

Companies are definitely slowing down with recession fears and I know the holidays are slow as well.

If I was making a horizontal instead of a lateral move I think it'd be much easier.

Oh well, hard times make strong men.

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