I still don't get how people do not see the US as an aggressive power. They still want it to conquer the world despite it being ran how it is. I would more than love that if they were forcing civilization and colonization instead of GAE. But as of now you can't have the US without the GAE. It is a vehicle for a hostile means against their own population. China and Russia still likely influence some things, but you can't tell me they do in the west as much as the GAE that controls it does.


I am very pro western reform, but the GAE opposes this as does much of it's own gibbers population. I'd rather bot the GAE empire conquer or to have conquered the earth. Putting an * to that fact because the powers now are not at all the ones that seek to preserve or push the west forwards in a meaningful way.

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@FinalDresdonation I'm pro western reform too, but you can't reform the system without first reforming its people. And how do you reform a nation of weak men? You don't, it needs to go, all of it. And by "it needs to go" I don't mean it's the righteous thing to do, I mean it's what nature will inevitably do to it. If this weakness doesn't disappear in the short term with WW3, then it will persist for generations, until humanity is so weak it goes extinct, or some black swan event happens.

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