
Fucking White Nat Nazi types saying that the state needs to intervene in mens lives to make them more manly so that T levels can be raised to raise birthrates.

Fucking retards how about the State GETS OUT OF MENS LIVES. I could guarantee you'd see stronger men w/ more T if you empower them & gtfo of their way for them to rule their homes, fuck their wives, and raise their kids. How about ending Divorce, Alimony, Child Support, and the whole 9 yards instead of butting into men's lives.


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Not to say T levels and shit are irrelevant, but I think it self corrects if you let men take their biological roles and of course don't poison every food on earth. Not perfect, but I believe men would self correct more without the whole apparatus of the state preventing them from doing so.

@FinalDresdonation White nationalism is just another branch of progressivism. Every student of history knows this. Early 1900s progressivism was ethnonationalist on top of feminist and socialist.

This is why white nationalism can't come up with any solution other than more government and somehow racisming your way out of it. Those are the only tools they've got.

@Mongoliaboo Yup, they simply don't get that getting out of Men's way pretty much saves/builds nations. People already organize naturally ethnically. All you need is to allow men to enforce their authority in their families and it build up from Home, Community, State, to Nation. Simple as. Buuuut Nooooo, more government will save us.

Their entire solution completely ignores the only important biological fact regarding babies: Women are the ones that have to be pregnant (and not kill the baby).

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