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Lula talking about emulating the Bretton Woods systems to establish a secure bilateral system among BRICS nations.

BRICS+ Openly confirmed to be 'discussed' essentially just sounds like a formality. This will be all active applicants.

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Listening to the Summit. Essentially so far BRICS+ sounds like it is being confirmed later on and further a 'National Currency System' to bypass the dollar will be here in the summit's talks. So Mpre BRICS is real and very real chance that they will be announcing a gold system.

@Tfmonkey Do you think they can pull another lockdown? I think they may try, but they have no room for error if they do. If they do it (Assuming BRICS is somewhat coherent) they could get slapped with an embargo at the moment they do and things would get ugly. Who knows perhaps andeal was made as well.

> Hyper Inflation Can Not Occur So Long As There Is Mass Immigration.

I'm not even going to dignify this shit from someone with a response.

Another cope I am getting now is that BRICS is just China and they're all somehow Chinese puppets. The BRICS system looking like gold backed local currencies of several different Nations all regional types of powers at least are somehow all just going to be beholden to China. I can understand a trade deficit argument IF CHINA DIDNT RELY ON SO MANY OF THEM TO FUEL THEIR EXISTENCE. This is somehow more centralized or more dangerous than entirely centralized USD system (irredeemably corrupt btw).

Time for the latest of cope. I talk to too many people who want 'law and order' and less criminality. They aren't willing to subscribe to harsh window theory with punishing harshly low level crimes and the death penalty for high level crimes. IE: Cutting hands off or Singapore caning for petty theft, nor the death penalty for violent offenders.

Deadass these people are morons. You need to be harsh bottom to top. Store raids would stop near overnight if people seriously risked losing hands.

Dest boosted
> South Korea, which has spent $200 billion in the last 16 years on programs to encourage childbirth, now has the world's lowest fertility rate.

Another government success story

You know. Our 'leadership' is perfectly emblematic of the empire. Creaky, and essentially having an active stroke in a moment of limbo for all those suspended inside.

3.) People forget too that the whole military is not one whole amorphpus blob that can deploy in one location to fight. No, the military is understaffed, standards lowered, and spread thin across the globe. With 3 MAJOR regions of influence at risk. Eastern Europe, Middle East, and East Asia. Lots for the US to handle all while domestic issues boil still.

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Cost overrun programs with largely unproven outcomes. Some withbmany mixed results.

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So, over the last year I have gottena a ton of cope over the US military. The Navy and Airforce getting the most cope of the bunch. Don't get me wrong there's a fair amount of established doctrine in place that is competent, but I ALWAYS hear people fall back on our "Technology'. Most of our equipment is modernized stuff out of the 80s now. Not too disimilar to places like Russia. But really IF our tech was so good why do we have questionable programs like the F35 and LCS.

So with dust cleared outside of money this was a retarded move by Prigozhin. May he Rip when he gets a window delivery. Nothing burger bc Ukraine is so exhausted of men. I wonder what bodies next are gonna be forced into the fray.

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So one last update tonight. It seems to just be some form of protest for now. Nothing substantial going on other than security forces taking precautions in Moscow. It seems the Deputy Minister of Defense is in Rostov talking with Prigozhin. Russian Media not saying a ton going on and denying the MoD struck Wagner forces at all.

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So far doesn't seem to be anything super substantive, but it is still interesting to see. What interests me is what spurred this on aside from the criticism that's been long in the air already.

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