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So essentially the Russian State and Putin will be left aside to let this happen/take a side as of yet. Does not seem overtly violent as of this posting.

Largely a protest by competent military command against incompetent superiors. Who is to say what caused this, but so far from my looking at this is all that can for sure be corroborated based on current actions, and direct video evidence.

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It appears that Prigozhin's actions have been over long known criticisms of Shoigu and Gerasimov running the war poorly. In so far as they have to lie about numbers, success, and handling the front half of the war while Wagner is the only group really capturing success in offensives. He has not criticized Putin, nor his regime. His words and actions seem to be directed at the MoD, and IF anything were to happen from the actions of Russian Military Apparatuses suggest they won't intervene

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So my current take on the MoD and Wagner situation (Which is what I will refer to this 'coup' as) is that Prigozhin is holding Rostov rather peacefully all things considered over his beef with the big boys in the Russian MoD. RFA/Nat Guard have been activated, but no real fighting. The FSB isn't doing anything drastic outside of pulling out of offices. So there's no substantive fighting. Moscow looks to just be being secured in a typical 'Just in Case' type of situation

@Tfmonkey I'm expecting we can expect some coverage/analysis of this Russian FSB Wagner situation tomorrow night.

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Yeah, I read a good bit now. I wsnt to get stuff more physically integratable in my life. Ideally something with a sort of community/social involvement. Working out I have a hard time getting into for enjoyment's sake. Maybe shit to listen to while I do it.

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You guys have any hobby ideas? If I'm honest along with work I'm pretty burnt out on a lot of what I do. I wanna try some new things.

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@verita84 @victor This is why I say mixing is way worse than brainwashing. Brainwashing can be fixed in less than a generation, but mixing can take thousands of years to undo, if it's even possible.
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How can trans genocide be a real thing? If anything, they genocide themselves by neutering their bodies with their "gender affirming care." If you become a genetic dead end by your own actions, then what more is there to do in terms of genocide?

Even if I oppose their "life choices," I do not want them dead. I would prefer that they not embrace a delusion that will only bring about more misery. Because that is what happens with many of them (as we see when they commit suicide).

I know this not the best place for it. But my last decent relationship has come to a close. It was a bad terms mutual sort of thing. I was not perfect, neither was she. It still hurts man. I feel a bit lost. Any advice, or chatting would be appreciated. Normally I am resilient, but the people I do care about still hurt to lose.

@Tfmonkey I think they look at men and think theybwould care about the loss ofndual income when I think they forget that pussy would make the vast majority of those men welcome it in turn even if there was a 'cut' in pay.

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@Tfmonkey So for arguements sake. Listening to Saturdays show a bit and to counter some people dissing on the east a bit when it comes to twra. I don't think they do it all at once for one simple reason. Too many women are embedded in the workforce. Now I don't think it'd be anywhere nesr doomsday economic impact. But doing it all at once leaves a window of minor vulnerability and governments being the numbers people they are would not want to see tons of 'productive' jobs lost overnight.

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