Hey @Tfmonkey remember when you said when dealing with normies at work to show them your neck and be self-deprecating so they don't envy you?

Well it hurt my ego but worked like like CHARM and I got and award AND a raise thank you so much!

@basedbagel It helps if you put yourself in a "role" like how Bruce Wayne has to play the role of a billionaire playboy in order to throw off suspicion that he's Batman.

If someone makes fun of him or thinks they're better than him, good. It's just a role Batman has to play to interact with the world.

@Tfmonkey I never thought about it like that but that's a fantastic analogy.

It's funny because when I first heard you say that I was apprehensive as I am one prideful bagel.

I can't believe I almost let my pride get in the way my money.


@basedbagel @Tfmonkey This reminds me of Law 46 from The 48 Laws of Power.

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