This is why I am voting for biden, atleast with biden. The ppl will know that they are fucked and boogaloo time is here. With trump the ppl will just go back to sleep and walk in to the pods and eat ze bugs

@37712 It doesn’t matter who you vote for the fix is in dude


@Scubbie @37712 yeah it doesn’t matter if they can steal the election anyways, I want to see this system go too don’t get me wrong, but I also don’t want to die lol.

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@I_AmTheKnight @Scubbie biden is incompetent and the ppl dont like him, trump is competent and the right loves him, they both suck jew cuck and will send your ass to die for the jew to the last american. The system is fucked and there is no saving it, we are far passed the point of no return, so wich jew cum lover do you think the ppl are more likely to fight against? If trump wins the right goes to sleep again.

@I_AmTheKnight @Scubbie both the demonrats and republicants are anty constitution, anty gun, pro-censorship, love big gov and deficit spending, support multiculturalism and love the jews more than they love american, the only thing that they are different is that one of them is hated by both sides and is incompetent and the other one is not. If trump wins he will have to become a dictator to fight off the left such as FBI/antifa, say good bye to your rights.

@37712 @Scubbie also keep in mind that if Trump wins the FBI might take him out, they can’t let him win either way.

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