@basedbagel Male birth control has already been in the process of development, I want to say since the early 2010s. I think there’s two forms but the one I’m familiar with is Vasogel, it’s basically a synthetic polymer that you can inject into the vas deferens(sperm carrying tube) and its blocks the sperm from traveling through the vas deferens into the urethra. The sperm is reabsorbed into the body, and it can be reversed by injecting a sodium bicarbonate solution, no side affects.
Male birth control would not end the abortion debate
Abortion is a religious sacrament
Some people will get pregnant for the express purpose of saying they got an abortion
Men already have condoms and vasectomies but still do not use those available birth control methods to avoid getting people pregnant who they claim they did not intend to get pregnant
Just like women can claim to have forgotten to use a pill, men can also claim to have forgotten a pill
@shortstories @basedbagel Keep in mind that a lot of children in the US are born unintentionally, mainly because the woman lied about being on birth control. Male birth control would prevent that, condoms are affective but can be sabotaged, also they take away the pleasure of sex in many cases. Vasectomies are permanent, and most don’t get them because they want to have children in the future. Vasogel would solve many of these issues, abortion is more of a fail safe for women.
@shortstories @basedbagel the product is very simple to use, it’s just an inject in the vas deferens. There’s no hormonal side effects or any kind of pain as far as I’m aware. Clinical trials might be coming soon, probably in the next couple of years. But the crazy things for me is how for almost 60 years women have had available to them, many different forms of birth control while men have only had two. Birth control would give more control to men over their reproduction.