According to this chart from 52.1% of Lawyers in the United States are Female, and 52.4% of Law School Graduates are female. Not only are they the majority of voters but also the majority of college graduates, teachers, psychologists, people in higher education and now will be dominating jobs in our justice system, womens power and influence in society is only getting stronger as the days go by.

I would make the argument, a lot may disagree but I don’t think women are capable of loving anything at all. Not only do they not love men but I would argue they don’t really love their children either both men and children are just disposable to them. The fact that women use their children as meal tickets to enslave a man and collect benefits from the state, and they’re perfectly fine murdering their children via abortion demonstrates that they are more than willing to sacrifice/exploit them.

People don’t value the truth, most people are not curious they value comfort and do not want to confront harsh realities.

And yet we are fully prepared for a direct conflict with Russia🤔.

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.