It's weird to think everything talked about in this collaboration is completely normal and standard for this audience, just a normal Tuesday.
But send this out to normie land and suddenly people would lose their shit. I'd like that to start happening.
I never thought I'd agree with Halsey on anything, but I think he's right that it's time TFM got a wider audience.
Can you just imagine how fucking hilarious it would be to see TFM on the Whatever podcast?!
I missed the episode with TFM and Aaron Clarey so here it is for anyone interested
@PhilosopherRex It gets worse. That bell curve is ONLY for children between 11 and 13 wherein girls start puberty before boys, and have a once-in-a-lifetime developmental advantage, and they can only break-even. By 17 boys are smarter than girls once puberty kicks in.
See Richard Lynn's studies. The reason you only see the 11-13 graph is because it promotes "equality"
Discussion with Keith Preston on Pan-Secession
Grateful I had put down my morning coffee before coming across this headline. I might've choked otherwise... 😏
If Joe Rogan had Kamala on JRE.