Some very insightful podcast episodes out right now. The script has flipped and some people are really stepping up their commentary and prediction game.

First up is Scott Ritter talking with Dialogue Works. His analysis on Israel's bleak future is priceless.

I'm taking this as a massive white pill.

Next up is Tom Luongo talking with TFTC, a bitcoin guy, on the Trump assassination.

I don't normally like either of them, but I'm about halfway through, and what I've heard so far is pretty sound.

Last up is Uberboyo talking with the WhatIfAltHist guy, and they focus on putting what's happening right now in a broad historical arc based on past patterns.

One prediction that grabbed me is that he thinks there will be less than half the current global population by the end of the century.

@UncleIroh I remember Gonzalo Lira dropping Uberboyo after endorsing his content because Uber supports Ukraine and he is a Jew. Don’t quote me on that though.


@UncleIroh My bad I was thinking about UBERSOY 😂

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