
Some very insightful podcast episodes out right now. The script has flipped and some people are really stepping up their commentary and prediction game.

First up is Scott Ritter talking with Dialogue Works. His analysis on Israel's bleak future is priceless.

I'm taking this as a massive white pill.

Next up is Tom Luongo talking with TFTC, a bitcoin guy, on the Trump assassination.

I don't normally like either of them, but I'm about halfway through, and what I've heard so far is pretty sound.

Last up is Uberboyo talking with the WhatIfAltHist guy, and they focus on putting what's happening right now in a broad historical arc based on past patterns.

One prediction that grabbed me is that he thinks there will be less than half the current global population by the end of the century.

They are considering a decline in population if things keep their current trajectory. The most probable change of events will be countries returning to patriarchy when shit hits the fan - like Afghanistan and Yemen did. They don't see it because of the unbeatable gynocentric spot linked with normalcy bias.

An important factor is, despite all the gay ops, feminism and buttsex around the world, global fertility rate is still above 2.1 (2.84 today). WhatIfAltHist is a dangerous midwit.


Agreed, he is dangerous but that's because I don't trust him or whoever his backers are. He's not a midwit though and even though I don't listen to his stuff normally, I do listen to Uberboyo.

His take on the depop question is that most of it will occur because of declining birthrates. I agree with that.

As for gynocentrism, TWRA is so far off the normiefag radar, I'd guess 90% + still hold gyno views. That question won't gain serious public steam for at least another decade I think.


More specifically this: regarding gender dynamics, birth rate, families, and it's connection to TWRA and religion, Millenials are done.

GenZ is done too, they can't turn anything around either.

The youngest Gen-A's on the other hand are still being born, and they're going to have to take these questions seriously.

I would advise you to not consider the west's problems the same as the world's problems. Western Gen-A will be born into a world where the society of their ancestors have been taken over and where they will be the minorities, very likely disenfranchised due to west israel empire collapse.

The solutions and answers they will come up with will be much more extreme than anything in the overton window today. And if they want to do anything, they will need to raise their numbers first.


Western Gen-A's problems are inextricably linked to geopolitics.

This is why I linked these 3 podcasts, together they predict a future where Israel no longer exists (hopefully), The US empire is licking its wounds, BRICS is ascendant, & questions like TWRA, religion & gynocentrism are immediate existential threats that have to be answered.

Look at this recent vid of a crowd of Yemeni men. They are on fire with the kind of high-T vitality we can only dream of. That needs an answer.

@UncleIroh @Zeb Gen Z is more so going to be fighting the inroads of whatever conflicts happen. Most are retarded, but the contingents of the 'sides' are deeper entrenched than any gen previously. I have some relative faith in Z to change things after immense hardship.

@FinalDresdonation @Zeb

Agree about the entrenchment. Gen-Z are not enough, but they are essential to starting the change.

Hardship is going to be the SOB taskmaster.

@UncleIroh @Zeb Yes, but they will be the first movement of change. The next generation will set or inherit the culture going forwards. My guess is Z filled with the most radicals will implement something radical in the time they suffer.

@UncleIroh I remember Gonzalo Lira dropping Uberboyo after endorsing his content because Uber supports Ukraine and he is a Jew. Don’t quote me on that though.


I'm not going to base my opinion of Uberboyo from Lira. I also don't care if he supports Ukraine.

Nor do I think he's a Jew seeing as he talks about his Irish ancestry a fair bit.

I'm not personally into Nietzschean philosophy. I follow him because Neitzsche is still really important today & Uber is one of the very few guys who puts together well researched & entertaining video essays & interviews on that subject.

He holds pro-white, pro-Irish views and I like that.

@UncleIroh I was thinking of someone else, lol. I am dumb. I mean UBERSOY.


Why the fuck would you even know someone called Ubersoy?

Also, I'd be very surprised if Uberboyo was pro Ukraine.

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