
Israel has about 3 industrial naval ports. Iran can target these, cause very little deaths, and completely kill Israel's economy. Unfortunately the cockroaches will infest Europe and who knows what when they will flee, but that is best and safest play for Iran.

@Stahesh scott ritter, i think, already said that israel is economically dead already. so it is only a matter of time. iran can just wait it out or accelerate.

@Justicar Yea they have pissed all in the middle east.

So Everybody started to block their cargo ships that should go to Israel.

They basically just bleeding Israel dry.

I hope no Jews will have time to leave any more. They should be like captain going down with their ship.

@Stahesh nuking them would be a service to humanity. but yeah, they will go and infest europe and north america.

@Scubbie usually yes but given the economic situation, i would not be so sure. though milei is really brownosing the us, for sure.

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