I'm also done keeping up with the JetBrains choo-choo licensing train.
Genuinely great IDE's with a ton of thought put into them, but holy crap, their licensing is dogshit.
My solution is to never upgrade. The version associated with your license is perpetual so just keep using that.
@UncleIroh @Justicar @Justicar I used to be a Jetbrains user for previous work, and I always liked their IDEs' tools. I've not used one in a while though. VSCode is not for me.
@DoubleD @UncleIroh which ide/editor are you using nowadays and for which languages? I used pspad for js and php. Moved to netbeans, then switched to golang and moved to jetbrains goland.
@DoubleD @UncleIroh oh man, eclipse. now that's a name i have not heard in ages :D
@Justicar @DoubleD
Ha, I've not used Eclipse for a long minute.
For me, IDE's center around java/c#/python/ts/js. There have been others along the way, including c++ in the distant past. And as mentioned by DD, bash, powershell and sql can be done in mostly any text editor.