I'm been doing Carnivore since Monday, and I feel fine. Nothing is improving, but nothing is getting worse.

I've been doing keto for years, so my body handled going carnivore "cold turkey" no problem.

I had some prime rib for Christmas. I assume it's cool since it's beef, but I technically broke my "steak and butter" rule, since prime rib isn't steak.

On January 23rd, I'll report regarding whether carnivore cures rheumatoid arthritis or not.

@Tfmonkey Give it 4-8 weeks

Distilled Water
Grass Feed Organic Meat without Glue/Sugar/Maple/Dextorse/motadexen

Eat 2pm
Eat 6pm

OMAD - 6pm

Skip - BREAK FAST (Break fasting)

Some Do
Bacon Beef Butter

No Smoking
No Beer/wine
No Weed

Just water + Meat

Check out


I did a video how to cure cancer ages ago

Alt Censored Podcast 2x03 - News & The Cure for Cancer (July 2023) poast.tv/w/7TSHkrbvakyrf1PtVsZyLL

@charliebrownau @Tfmonkey anyone recommending distilled water deserves a kick in the teeth. stop with that nonsense!

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