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@UncleIroh that is not disputed. problem is that linux has wider hardware(drivers) support and more brainpower behind it, which makes is obvious choice for running a server. it is always about the numbers. no matter how much better a project or a service is from another, the number of users decides which one is actually "the best". i'd love to run fbds on my next project but finding someone to admin it would be quite hard. and expensive, due to it being a niche.

@RegalBeagle sounds like a great way to set up a ticking time bomb. i have not used a screen saver since windows xp, probably not much even then though. i guess because today it is modern to just hibernate the computer and there is little need to keep it running while you are not there.

@RegalBeagle even some old tech forums are full of people that know nothing of use. are you looking for a new email client? sure, here are 10 pages of comments. are you trying to solve a coding issue? crickets. that is what i was saying that experienced gen-x and old milenials left the building. the fat lady is singing no more.

@RegalBeagle but i am in the same boat as that guy. i try to look for some discord groups on occasion but whenever i try one, i leave in a couple of seconds. startup groups are just a version of linkedin full of dumb self promotion posts. programming groups are full of degenerates and genz/gena that know nothing of substance.

@RegalBeagle Facebook caused this with its facebook groups that many people migrated to form their original communities. and look at it now, it's died down but nobody went back to their original communities so we've lost decades of content and connections.

a guys asks on hacker news where are some good online communities. i explained what i was posting recently in here about them being dead since all good people left due to perverts that took over. and obviously my comment got flagged, even though i have not used any kind of pejoratives or spicy language. people have no idea how strong the censorship is EVERYWHERE. the gaslighting has never been larger in our entire human history than it is today, despite being the most connected we've ever been

In vs code, CTRL+H is code replace, because why not. H makes more sense than CTRL+R, right?

@freepatriot the only difference between usa and english empire is that the english were colonizers while usa are imperialists. with colonization, the colonies can prosper. with imperialism, only the empire can prosper.

@freepatriot your entire country was built on killing and pillaging other countries after all. you had a good run for a while though. but then you screwed it up and here we are.

@freepatriot americans never fought for freedom. they fought freedom, of other people.

@TenaciousGoat listen to blackpilled. he talked about trump couple of times in his recent streams. in short, trump is no salvation and might actually be worse because it will put many, shall we say right wingers?, at bay and make them think things are getting better while they are most definitely not. with democrats running the show, people are at least alert to what is going on.

I was watching some FreeBSD video yesterday and a guy talked about the history of it out nowhere I hear the sentence: "my husband's sister...". I 'd spill a drink if I had any. I turned it of and moved on. When I keep saying tech communities are degenerating, this goes way back to BSD days, 1970s, it seems.

If you open your eyes to the Jewery, after living your whole life WILLINGLY ignoring it, you will not want to open your eyes ever again. That's how bad it is.

Another great stream. I like that Devon brings up the forgotten heroes so we can remember them again.

@Based_Accelerationist actually, that might explain why europe and usa have opened their borders to the savages. as long as the population is growing, governments' power is limitless.

@Based_Accelerationist fair enough. the more people you have, the more life situations you have to tackle. hence why the laws are infinite. and why the society is being moulded to suit the herd which results in bad living conditions for the outliers that are above average in intelligence, self-sufficiency and self-reliancy. so you are essentially guaranteed to end up with dumb and dependent society as long as the society is growing. so we're back the the good old wars, famine, natural disasters

In the past, and in some places even today, there was the council of elders. couple of people, a dozen, maybe sometimes a little bit more. no more than could fill a one room apartment. democracy worked just fine in those conditions. look at the parliaments today, where you have HUNDREDS of people and dozens of political parties. that's just incompatible with the philosophy because there are too many interests involved, too many egos, too much strategising and too little responsibility.

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