@YoMomz as long as your country is not looking like syria right now, that is never going to happen.
@ToyotaTime it's not impossible. non-western european countries are still predominantly ethnically uniform. all one needs to do is to have a tight grip in immigration. but if the politicians open the borders, a citizen can do nothing about it. and that is the sad state of this post-WW2 era.
@thunderwarrior looks more like a shoe ad than redbull one :D
@ToyotaTime we can have modern cities and be patriarchal. one does not exclude the other.
@ToyotaTime nobody wants to cosplay living in the 19th century while having 21st century tech all around them. it has nothing to do with larping as WN.
@amerika @TenaciousGoat @UncleIroh <insert smol pp joke> :)
@amerika @TenaciousGoat @UncleIroh it's lowest level of sexual marketplace competition.
@UncleIroh @TenaciousGoat that pepe is good example why the current society is failing.
@UncleIroh @TenaciousGoat i said simping is also defending a woman that is not yours. i think white knighting also used to be transactional - you protect a woman, she spreads her legs(or invites you to dinner, or whatever in those times) - you both get something out of it. nowadays, there is no actual threat to women, so modern white knights are just simps. plus, we have police and other facilities and services. so there is no real reson to protect strange women on the streets anyway.
@TenaciousGoat paying for sex or maid is not simping. you would be simp if you paid and got nothing in return.
@TenaciousGoat whatever floats your boat.
Because you still have hope that this war will end with your honor intact. Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.