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@marlathetourist that entire channel looks like a parody of female sports

@Stahesh @Mr_Mister that is ALWAYS the case. if people would live what they preach, the world would be a very different place.

Great point by Angry Guy about Al Bundy. Al, was a winner in life but he had a loser mindset - he chose to be a loser. He could have become rich and successful in business/work whenever he wanted. But instead he chose to do the lowest job in the market and to hate what he had - a house, a dog, a car, a hot and horny wife, who was far from perfect but that's just women, two great kids, friends.. he was living the american dream. He just chose to hate everything about it.

I have not watched the video but it always infuriates me when I see titles like this. I live for WAY less than that in EUROPE, EU specifically. These people have no grasp on reality of costs anywhere.

What happened to the "A" in the "USA"? It is just "US" nowadays.

Why do american keep using the brainwashing cultural-marxism term "person if color"? Either say WHICH FUCKING COLOR or be frank and say "person of non-white color".

@Mr_Mister btw, if you share shortened links it won't show thumbnails, so engagement of your post goes to shit.

Justicar boosted

Like i mentioned yesterday, this is the segment from the last video, the Watermelon Edition, where Devon drops the darkest of the black pills that I have ever heard.

When Windows 10 will stop serving me, I think i will switch to Linux. I tried it before, multiple times, but never stuck to it. Windows is my comfort zone. But Microsoft is making it into spyware pretending to be an OS and that is my red line. Last time I even tried Fedora, like in the video, but it did not work at all because i chose distribution with some flawed package manager. Next time I think Fedora will be on the top of my list again though.

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