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that is a lot of traffic, without your knowledge. windows 11 is essentially a web browser pretending to be an operating system.

Seeing men play video games as female characters(in games that allow player to choose the character's gender) kinda infuriates me. It's like all these weirdos with fury or anime avatars on social media and in chat rooms. It makes want to wish for an asteroid to hit the entire planet and wipe out this degeneracy.

Like I said yesterday, the cancer in the IT is EVERYWHERE. You think Boeing air-planes falling down is something? When the CODE itself gets woke, THEN you will see some serious shit.

I have to arm-twist ChatGPT to give me a list of countries with white majority today, that are projected to become white minority within this century. It would not give me more than this, but I bet there are more that should be on this list. Percentage is whites today, years is projection of when whites are expected to become minority. Though I think those years are a bit optimistic(ie. it will happen sooner).

@Deuces that is just picture-in-picture mode. i am not saying odysee cannot play in the background. i am saying it keeps crashing. why the fuck do i have to repeat what i already said???

Can you recommend phone app for playing videos from rumble, odysee, in the background? I used to use odysee app, since rumble has nonce, but it keep crashing and it's just annoying so i uninstalled it and now i have to watch podcasts instead of just listen to them on the background.

@Mr_Mister if the poke would kill all immediately, people would not go for it in large numbers and perpetrators would face consequences. but if you spread it over a decade, or two, whilst controlling the media and medical industry(=narrative), all is good.

hate-crime, hate-speech, toxic-masculinity, our-democracy, rules- based's all cultural marxism. find a topic/place/group and prefix it with an innocent word, now you can claim the whole thing but pretend to talk about minority subgroup. a crime is a crime. a speech is a speech. masculinity is masculinity. democracy is democracy and order is order. never let any of your friends use this when talking to you. whether out of ignorance or malice, never allow it.

It's 10:30 and 29C, later today we are supposed to get 37C 😅

it will be the hottest day of the year. can't wait... surviving the night will be hell. those are the worst.

Wow, for the first time Chat GPT was actually really helpful and told me something I was unable to find by the usual internet search.

If you are a programmer, ALWAYS sacrifice CPU over MEMORY. CPU is fast and cheap. Memory is slow and expensive.

> welfare programs are pyramid schemes and immigration doesn’t help

he must be some kind of scientist to figure this out on his own

The people who call Twitter as "X" are the same people who did not let you into the store without a chin diaper.

@ButtWorldsMan why the fuck anyone still listens to anything a woman has to say? like, literally the proof is in the meme.

The IT communities and projects are being actively dismantled from within, just like hollywood.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.