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@Tfmonkey 🤷🏻‍♂️ some people indeed cannot be helped until they have that philosophical heart attack.

Ask someone if the have a favourite spice, music band, movie, actor, article of clothing to wear, season of the year, food,... if they don't, they have no personality.

Even if you ask them about something unusual that does not come up often in conversation, the mere fact they cannot pause and think for a moment about what they do like do don't like tells you all you need to know.

People got overly quick over the Covid tyranny in 2020 and 2021.

Why? Because they themselves were playing part in oppressing their neighbours, family members, employees, elderly, patients, children in schools, people in public transport, shops..

Remember, whenever SHTF, the sheep do whatever they are being told by the shepherd, even if they are told to march off a cliff.

Never fight the system for the system will turn on you in ways you do not expect.

Always leave. Run if you must.

china and russia are slowly cutting raw material exports to the nato/west who has very little manufacturing base and capabilities. let alone mining. no one will invest in building factories and mines because the east can start exports again and make those investments awash. and there is no skilled or willing(=lazy spoiled people) available anyway. the east has the west by the balls. it is happening at snail pace but a river can move mountains.

so it has been raining this whole day. we even had horizontal rain. but the thermometer in my room shows above 26 how the fuck am i cold, whilst wearing sweat pants and hoodie? I think these celsius degrees might be a weird conspiracy 🤔

it's not like to took centuries. imagine what will europe look like in 2050.

@LysanderMooner if you look for a definition of imbecile, you'll find your own picture.

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youtube is full of videos like "black man reacts to..", "american reacts to..", "feminist reacts to..", "gay reacts to...", "woman reacts to..". it's like these people have no identity of their own. zero personality.

from 31C to 10C in a week. i wonder how this year's winter will look like, since the last one was dry and not too bad.

@CheshireHuman understandable. tfm's takes on exercising and nutrition are...just bad. though i must say, i am nearing 40 myself and everywhere i look i see someone dying of cancer, being stabbed in some multicultural metropolis or hit by drunk driver. sometimes i wonder if i'll make it into old age myself.

@CheshireHuman true. but it's better than the anime, hentai, surival/end of the world and whatnot talks. also, it's good to keep the sex doll talk alive because it is quite important for many men.

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