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has anyone noticed that transnistria on google maps is now being shown as moldova instead of being administrative region of russia? fucking google.

fuck, i miss having large and loud speakers in my home. haven' had them for at least two decades. can't wait go buy a home and build me a cinema room to watch movies or listen to loud music.

what if insects are just tiny biological robots and when you see them stand still, they are just waiting for new orders :D

islam praises allah, yet allah was one of lower caste deities back in the day from the zoroastraism religion(which is sad to see being replaced with this degeneracy). the dumbfuck mohamed could not even pick the strongest god to praise. nah, he chose one that nobody new of or cared for, so that he could be the edgelord of his times.

@RegalBeagle you might, normal desktop users most definitely will not

@RegalBeagle but it is still open source. That is not mutually exclysive with having barebones OS

@RegalBeagle i think there should be core os(linux+gnu+kde) which would be maintained by linux foundation and distributions would be built on top of that. It would handle drivers and backwards library compatibility so no distro could screw them up. Distrod would only provide gui theme and preinstalled programs. So partial centralisation to provide a standard that can be relied upon.

@Stahesh well do not eat it 😄 but on a serious note, it is not about tasting good. It can but that is rare. It us about that moment you have for yourself.

@FinalDresdonation humans need to be led. Either politicaly or religiously, it seems.

Poland, czechia, slovakia, hungary, serbia, slovenia, croatia, russia and to some extent romania and bulgaria are still VERY ehite and based. So you still have plenty of choices to move to.

if linux would get its shit together with proper desktop environment(KDE, obviously) and fix the backwards compatibility of libraries issue, they could rival windows any day. but nope, everyone wants to have their own name put onto every piece of code they can get their hands on and so linux will never succeed on desktop because there is no unity, no single functioning core os others could bouild upon if needed. no, everyone is doing their own thing and no one gets anything done. this is why

in 2024, still more people in the world are religious than not. western society has divorced itself from religion and is in freefall. does it mean we need another prophet to put humanity back on track?

any cigar smoker that smokes only cubans or says cubans are the best, is a poser.

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey usa has trading deficit. by adding tariffs it will make imports more expensive. so people will buy less from other countries and will be buy more locally because it should be cheaper without tariffs even with higher manufacturing cost. but in the end the consumer pays more and it will cause consumers to change their spending habits. since things are expensive and people have lowered spending capacity, paying more will devastate the economy and cause companies to close and layo

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A club for red-pilled exiles.