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@mutageno2 they should be doing, not watching. where is that famous IRA when you actually need it...

in case anyone is interested in the puff daddy story, devon did a stream on it MONTHS ago. the name of the stream is living rent free in my memory - the poofta daddy.

I though Zig has had a good traction when it comes to the "new" programming languages. But now I am changing my mind and am leaning more towards Odin. I do predominantly web services and it is lacking in this regard, so I have no use for it, yet. But that is going to change soon, as I have been reassured, so I am looking forward to using non-gc language for the first time in my life..when I'll find a good use case for it.

Thinking about it, i would simply attribute it to different way of thinking. Russians and Americans simply have different approach so tfm thinks just like the boomers in power he keeps shitting on.

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Blowjob from Kamala must be the bes thing in the world.

Listening to todays tfm show. First 30m are pure garbage. Like basement dweller, never left my house, garbage take on russia, nato, brics, china... tfm must have been the worst analyst in the navy and nsa.

@Stahesh kids are overrated. not only are they useless, consumers and a liability. but you can always make a new one. i never understood the "women and children" first. it should be "men and women" first, children...maybe :D

nothing wrong with being selfish. no one else will care about you, but you.

@mutageno2 like TFM says, don't lose wars.

just saw the word "breast" being self-censored on youtube video. where's the fucking line? how far will this shit keep on going? until we develop telepathic communication and no one can offend anyone else by actually speaking? people keep talking about good times and weak men. how about weak society altogether?

@UncleIroh @DoubleD where she would not interact with the team directly or can break anything. hard to say, it is too soon. but if you are mid-large company, that is very hard to do. even manual labour has been infiltrated by them so not jobs tan filter them out easily.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD you can do that easily by simply making the requirements tailor made to most skilled person, which is always a man. also, if you are distributed(no office), it makes it even easier. in the end, nobody can prove you are discriminating if you are not a big corp but a small business where YOU are making the decisions. you can look for people who fit the company, which might be a male collective so why screw it up with a woman? i might hire woman for something external

@UncleIroh @DoubleD i expect next year to be in a position to be leading a team of people(forming a new company) and because of all the modern bs i it will be fully digital team an absolutely no women will be hired whatsoever. even though i am not in usa, my mouth would get me in trouble in no time and i have no patience to self censor myself.

@DoubleD in the end, the best advice i would give in this context, in addition to what i have already said is simply - read the room. many people, in general, lack this ability because most people, believe it or not, normies predominantly, are incredibly egocentric and selfish and almost incapable of thinking about the other people around them.

@DoubleD your mistake is that you think in line of person vs person. the reality is that it is rank vs rank, like in the military. you don't salute the person, you salute, or address, the rank. if you are in charge, you better give orders and not polite suggestion or we're all fucked because nothing will get done. i had a female "boss" and we were all speaking on first name basis, but she kept her distance as a boss and we always addressed her formally. in time, i realize how much sense it made.

@mutageno2 when the nationalist has to hide his face to avoid persecution, you know very well what country you live in.

@mutageno2 lol, that's quite deep. look what couple of decades did to the society when the ruling class promotes the jewes did in germany before the WW2 broke out.

"Don’t worry. You can totally vote your way out of this."

ah man...the sun is setting sooner. mornings are colder. the fall is here and it is always depressing because it signals the end of the good times and coming of bad, winter, times. paradoxically, this is the best time of the year when temperatures are mild, nights are cold so it's easy to sleep. though a bit too cold, already. and sun is gone by 7 in the evening. ah, well. it is what it is. last winter was almost non-existent. i wonder how this one will look like.

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