
@Tfmonkey she is beautiful. Of all the dark things we have to endure, we are lucky to be living in the golden age of the Waifu. If nothing else, it gives hope for the future.

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@Tfmonkey @Lorgar

That symbol represents how to change direction to rotate in the opposite direction without stopping movement by switching to rotating from a circle pattern to two half circle patterns with half the radius so that when you are grappling or pushing hands with someone it is more difficult for them to detect your change in movement, making a change in movement undetectable provides a combat advantage

Most of Chinese medicine is wrong or is misunderstood

@shortstories @Tfmonkey interesting, I sure didn't know that.
The strength of symbols reside in the belief they have in their user's minds, however. It is not the path you take toward understanding that matters. It is understanding itself.
Here's a YingYang symbol I can definitively get behind:

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