@ButtWorldsMan the difference between the right or the wrong side of politics simply depends on where one is standing at the time!

@Lorgar @ButtWorldsMan So now that the government is on the side of white men simply because it benefits Jews temporarily, you're celebrating?

This is a textbook example of winning the battle while losing the war.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan chaos changes all the time, I don't really celebrate but savour the irony. It's like watching a tornado from afar with morons running into it.
"What a day! What a lovely day!"

@Lorgar @ButtWorldsMan Just remember that "white boy summer" will be immediately canceled the nanosecond it benefits Jews to do so.

What saddens me is how quickly and eagerly the whites come to defend the Jews and think that they're winning.

We'll see how eager they are to be drafted and die for Israel.


@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan it's ok, all I want is skulls for the skull throne and blood for the blood god. Chaos is the truth of the universe and I completely surrender myself to it.

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