
Halsey is controlled opposition, just like trump and musk

@VooDooMedic already wishing Kamala won cuz at least ppl were vigilant

Now the right is complacent and compliant while Elon builds the exact technofascist slave state they were fighting

@LysanderMooner ye ultimately people WANT to go back to sleep

@VooDooMedic @LysanderMooner They do. With the trump theater, the UK has miraculously saved itself with a massive money-printing "spectacular" bond sale...yes that UK, united kingdom, the joke country.

But the important, most essential headline is this one:
Reminder: The vaccine trump himself ordered in operation warp speed.

@Zeb @VooDooMedic @LysanderMooner @Based_Accelerationist Hope this Time normies go All with the Jab stuff if the final goal of the deep state is to increase humanity IQ why I would oppose to them

@VeganMGTOW @Zeb @VooDooMedic @Based_Accelerationist the goal is not a higher IQ, it's bringing about the Messiah and total subjugation of the goy

@LysanderMooner I mean, most of what you hear on the show, regarding geopolitics, are controlled opposition narratives. "Trump might be betraying Israel, the elites are dumb and want Trump dead, Putin isn't owned by Chabad, 9/11 wasn't a Mossad operation", you name it.

But yes, Halsey makes it very obvious. Blaming Europe for pulling the US into wars and shilling for Trump so hard, should tell you everything you need to know about the Jew's plans.

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