
Turns out I have an in to the freemason's and a couple other fraternal organizations

Should I join?

@LysanderMooner I've heard they have very exciting group sex orgies, so I'd say yes!

@LysanderMooner you have to let them stand around in a circle and they piss on you

@Scubbie it's probably worth the network compared to everyone around me lol

@LysanderMooner never been a joiner personally,but I don't need to belong,every time I have joined something it never worked out for me, but I am anti social and people are users,if you help someone they take advantage of you,and I am difficult to get along with as my world view goes against society norms and I have no filter but you do you in the South masons are a lot of cops,judges people in power it is a pyramid scheme and those at the top are most likely Offspring of Cain the serpents seed


I do not think the Rosicrucians have people take vows of secrecy under penalty of bad things happening to you where as I think the Free Masons do

You can also read information about free mason rituals for free from free mason monitors or websites claiming to represent free mason lodges which is strange with the alleged vow of secrecy

I would suggest considering visiting Rosicrucian places and websites and reading the free info if you do not want to take a vow or pay the fees


A Masonic Monitor is a book of instructions used by Freemasons to learn about the history and traditions of the fraternity. It serves as a guide to initiate members into the mysteries and secrets of Freemasonry...

A Masonic Monitor typically includes an introduction to Freemasonry, its symbols, rituals, and other aspects of its doctrine

If you want to learn about free masonry these monitors are posted online for free without joining or paying or vows

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