@shortstories @Pain66 Medical Health Care business will die soon due people changing to a whole food plant base diet cause All medical business diseases are cause by meat dairy and eggs consumption
@VeganMGTOW @shortstories @Pain66 are you a vegan gains AI?
Americans in the past might have thought that the US would have a dictator in the future, but who knew that every American would support tyranny?
Americans in the past might have thought that the USA would become a police state in the future, but who knew that the whole world would become a police state?
@shortstories yes
@shortstories #Imwithhim but ye never stays on anything long he already got the Nazi pub
@shortstories only paradise is promised to the martyr so how strong is their faith?
@shortstories I had Germany in mind lol
@SiRrogueKnight I think Feminism is a bigger problem than Muslims, but you do you boo.
Sexual Allegations In Divorce (SAID) is a common occurrence in disputed child custody cases in which one parent makes false or exaggerated claims about sexual abuse of a minor child at the hands of the other parent.
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian