1 Can understand what they are getting into
2 Can economically survive on their own without getting married so someone can not say they were economically coerced into marriage. Should be mentally & physically capable to farm their own food. They can choose to depend on husband for economics without being forced to marry because they can not economically survive without their husband
This would result in a different percent that meet those criteria at different ages
I would estimate around close to 0 percent meet the criteria for consent to marriage at 3 years old but Orthodox Jews set the age at about 3 years old or maybe even younger with the age of betrothal at birth
@shortstories what should legal age be? I say puberty with paternal consent
@freepatriot fuck that go for the high score on your way out
There is no country to flee to
Eventually they will come for every country in the known world or the world known to civilians
The only way to survive is to persuade enough people in a certain location you live in or will live in to not adopt certain worldviews and to get trained to defend themselves and gather certain resources so that they can survive when they try to invade or starve out that region
Some places might be better to move to but you can not survive without ideological warfare
@shortstories I hope he's going off script seems fed up, he's rich enough anyway and too valuable to the network to cancel
@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh sounds like a lot of effort for nothing lol
There's no pagan no go Zones
@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW why paganism?
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian