@shortstories it was a film project for someone's school
They even named it funvax
@shortstories yeah that was a hoax tho
@Based_Accelerationist I'm suggesting that there's a genetic component to whether or not someone's able to reach such a state
@Based_Accelerationist I think it could be deeper than that, herd morality is strength in primitive environments, is it not merely the decadence of our day that enables our atheism? solitary monks aren't subject to social pressure and I don't think it's a matter of pure reason because there have been many geniuses who are religious, I read fmris display a shift in brain activity into the right hemisphere when monks or nuns claim to reach nirvana, I'm sure there's a genetic component
@VeganMGTOW the correct term is cuckoldry but we can leverage shared Christian identity to foster relations with Russia
I'm speaking from the perspective of utility not faith
@shortstories @Mongoliaboo the ironic thing is the "attenuated" virus in oral polio vaccines is the source of 80+% of modern polio cases
@shortstories @Mongoliaboo why believe that's what a vaccine actually does?
At the very least we know they do more than that and have a lot more in em than just a dead virus
I've also never heard of allergy shots as my immune system came built in but I'd be skeptical of the additives in there too
@shortstories @Mongoliaboo what if there never were "real vaccines"?
@Mike_Microwave it's all a psyop to get you ready for the next one
I wonder if PBD knows this...
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian