I hope trump launches the NASMO
North American Special Military Operation to liberate our Canadian neighbors and build a landbride to Alaska
It probably wouldn't even require military force huh @PNS
Make Canada America
@Tactical @transgrammaractivist I just want the economy to be resuscitated such that we can buy land and escape the brown tide swallowing us up here
Cunts are entitled to imprison you
@FinalDresdonation @LysanderMooner The issue is Putin gave the West the green light to attack inside Russia but he won't let Iran attack Israel.
He only talks about the US and Europe and acts like Israel has nothing to do with this. He's more worried about neo-nazis than about Jews, for some reason. He's prolonging the war with Ukraine and letting these little incursions take place, so that NATO can start WW3 without involving his Jewish masters.
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian