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Don't just freeze your eggs, freeze yourself until Trump's presidency is over!

@sardonicsmile Old Asian whores never die they just move to a different massage parlor around the country

Sir Jezza approaches the siege perilous

I hope trump launches the NASMO
North American Special Military Operation to liberate our Canadian neighbors and build a landbride to Alaska
It probably wouldn't even require military force huh @PNS
Make Canada America

I've been thinking about "love thy enemy" for a while now, and I think I've figured it out. It's also about "respecting" your enemy so you don't become consumed by hatred and end up becoming the same monster you claim to be fighting.

If you stare into the abyss long enough, eventually it's stares back. Pic somewhat related.

"Those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. Then, you destroy yourself"

Its oficial, Halsey will forever be sus and has TFM on a collar, Israel is not occupying north Palestine, and the US is actually sabotaging Israel.

TFM is controlled opposition

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Gdp In Zimbabwe is 5% but inflation is still 55%

American future?

TFM should be begging to get doxxed so he can finally go postal

Which reminds me I need to practice my brick throwing

I'm multiple schizo layers deep here. The jews took the Star of Remphan and mashed that esotericism in with early Christianity to come up with this narrative about being chosen.

It would explain why they're able to plant one foot in Satanism and one foot in the Abrahamic religions.

TL;DR Judaism is ripped off from proto-Christianity.
Dear glowies, how does it feel to suck horse cock for 16 hours a day? Do you really think your meager paycheck will compensate for the immense shame you bring upon your ancestors for being a slavish toady of the Empire of Faggotry? Are you proud of the regime that organizes mass invasions against its own people and performs sex changes on kids? Do you think it, or its stooges, will be remembered fondly? Do you really want to spend your life monitoring the shitposts of random autists like me?

A few weeks ago Alex Jones covered how Google is helping Ukraine use AI robots and I concluded it was effectively beta testing for domestic use to terrorize Americans


Fucking moron

For every American saying we just need to assimilate these cavemen

Fuck you

just stay out of the way while the ovens are preheating and there will be room for you

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.