This is coincidence right? Because TFM stated that the government has Israel interests at heart and not the United States which is treason. The fact that feminism is also linked with Jewish tradition feels like another piece of the puzzle fitting into place.

This was taken from;


@TenaciousGoat What is the Social Gospel movement?

Ernestine Rose is the only one in that list who lived in the right century to be blamed for feminism. Let's not kid ourselves, she didn't single-handedly start feminism.

White nationalists will never blame the Anglo Protestant white women who are actually responsible for feminism.

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TFM briefly mentioned the social gospel movement, but I don’t remember all the details. Anglo Protestant white women? What do you mean?

@TenaciousGoat @Mongoliaboo

If you want the actual history of Feminism, here it is:

It's short, you can read it in a day. It names names, places, dates and shows you how the fuck we got here, despite no-one wanting Feminism.

The roots go back further than you think.

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