Wow I've heard @Tfmonkey make some bad arguments before but at:4:53 he makes a HORRIBLE argument. His argument is that single mother-hood rates by race have changed over time thus concludes genetics aren't a factor. Race/genetics are a factor, it's just not the sole factor. Not a difficult concept to grasp.

@CheshireHuman @Tfmonkey

>Race/genetics are a factor, it's just not the sole factor.

The most overstated, least actionable factor. Black people aren't going anywhere, so there's no point wasting thought on this. The stats show that policy is the biggest factor, so that's where most of our thought should go.

The people who want to overfocus on race and genetics are people who want to continue bad policy, so they have to shift the blame to something other than policy.

@Mongoliaboo 1. You can't action on something appropriately if you don't understand it. 2. I don't want to over focus on race. My goal is to correctly understand the racial component. It appears your goal is to ignore it.

@CheshireHuman Justify the change in single motherhood rate purely in terms of genetics. You can't, because the actual cause is a change in policy.

TFM's model is so much closer to the wholeness of the problem than the wignat "muh rays" model that the contrast is laughable. You are a laughing stock for saltposting on here about it.

Now phone your mom and cry about it, because nobody here cares about your hurt fee-fees.

@Mongoliaboo Nothing you can say can hurt my feelings. Evidently you and TFM think the issue is solely welfare and genetics play no role. Fools both of you.


@CheshireHuman You're a retard. Cry more.

I looked up single motherhood in Africa. Funny story... it's on par with that of white women in America!



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@Mongoliaboo This evidence doesn't led you to the conclusion you think it does. You're showing two variables here, not one. You have not isolated the variables. You fail again but you're probably used to that.

@CheshireHuman Cry more 🤣🤣🤣

I'd like to call attention to the fact that you have produced no evidence whatsoever. So kindly shut the fuck up, retard, until you have any evidence at all.

@CheshireHuman Stripper name doesn't provide evidence, he does what you're doing and cries that it's not good enough for him. Absolute loser. People like you are why the west is in free fall.

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