I no longer explain any concept to normies that is more than 3 steps long.

Idk if it's laziness or incompetence but most people simply can't keep up and i don't have the patience anymore

@basedbagel 3 steps is still too many.

It's usually mental incapacity. Stupid people don't drool and wear cones on their heads, they pretend to understand and reply with word salad. Then their ego gets bruised when you tell them their word salad is wrong, while straining your patience to not call them a retard for how dumb it was, and they start arguing with you.

I don't explain anything to anyone. I put in time and effort to understand it myself. They can do the same.


My problem is that I appreciate d guys taking the time to explain concepts to me until I understood it and i want to do that for other men.

But guys are so traitorous and bone headed that i lose patience or trust before I can teach anything.

I think I'll just make a podcast and share my ideas that way because going back and forth with people is more brain damage than it's worth


@basedbagel This is probably the creation story behind most podcasts and youtube channels.

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