Remember how I said when red pill content creators have girl friends their content gets contaminated... well here I give you exhibit A: Hoe Math giving us feminist talking points.

He's is even mentioning his girl friend in his videos, so fucking cringe.

@Brianhere One blowjob away. He'll be single again soon, if he's practicing the blue pills he's preaching.

@Mongoliaboo @Brianhere

He’s like a mix of FA Monday and redpill dating coaches with sandman style formula.

FA Monday made good in-depth videos but basically only did it get a girlfriend. As soon as he got a 30 something widow she started controlling his channel, which he welcomed.

Hoe seems to be out for himself, not really to help men. He’s constantly bragging about what a chad he was until Covid spoiled his fun.
I think he thinks he’s special, he GETS it. 😂


@southpole21 @Brianhere It should always be extremely suspicious when someone pops up out of nowhere and becomes extremely popular. The organic web is long gone, big tech boosts those saying the right things, and deboosts those telling troublesome truths.

I think the establishment is allowing the red pill, but not the black pill, because the blue pill is hopelessly dead. The red pill is the new blue pill.

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@Mongoliaboo @Brianhere

“The red pill is the new blue pill”

There’s a lot of truth to this

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