Unless I misunderstood TFM, he stated yesterday that Jews are trying to destroy the West on purpose out of malice and not stupidity.

But, if Israel's survival was entirely dependent on the US being the leading superpower, destroying their ally out of spite would be, by definition, (VERY) stupid.

So, this means TFM either believes Israel can survive without the US or that the Jews in charge don't care about Israel.

Or he didn't mean what he said and thinks Jews are both malicious and stupid.


@Based_Accelerationist The star of the show was that superchat that Halsey attacked the person for posting.

I can't be the only person who has noticed that TFM doesn't seem to enjoy doing the show anymore. It's like a chore. He counts down the superchats until the show's over.

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@Mongoliaboo Yup. I'm sure he enjoys some shows more than others.

But this is the problem with mixing "friendship" with business... and being friendly to someone whose only allegiance is to his tribe. Thing is, there are honest Jewish people out there, who are capable of criticizing Israel, but they often don't have youtube channels and wouldn't develop a sudden interest in being TFM's buddy. It is what it is.

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