
This milk can kill people by accident through insulin overdose if they drink it like regular milk

If any of these cows escape and breed with the general population then it will cause all milk to potentially kill people by accidental insulin overdose

This confirms my points that more restrictions are needed on genetic engineering especially in relation to food

And that taxpayers should not fund science


@shortstories ok I’m with you on the restrictions but scientific research should absolutely be funded by tax payer money.
Bioengineering gets insanely expensive and no company will have more money than the government.

I’m also saying this presupposing a net tax payer voter system.

And about the overdose problem, you can just dilute the milk or filter out the insulin. More will come of this and it will work.

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Government funded bioengineering is used for unethical things like fake vaccines

One of the reasons bioengineering is expensive is because of the potential for lawsuits

A lot of government funded research is fraud

Government funded research tends to use statistical significance tests instead of hard science formulas with a predicted output for a specific input because government officials tend to come from social or soft science backgrounds and not hard science backgrounds


Why should the common taxpayer pay for research for things that they do not choose which will not help them

Most taxpayer funded astronomy research does not help people who live on earth

People can choose to fund things by buying products, that type of reseach funding makes the research effect common people in real life on earth


There are people getting lots of government funding to make up stories about parellel universes and other things they have no observational proof for in theoritical physics

Then there are alleged discoveries involving unique items like dinosaur bones and ancient artifacts the public never gets to see proof of because we do not want the public to accidentally damage them by touching them so they get alleged replicas

Why should the public pay for something they can not know is real


Diluting it will not solve the problem of insulin overdose I am talking about

I am not talking about measuring it out so that someone using insulin can get the right dose

I am talking about when all the cows in the world potentially start producing insulin because some insulin producing cow accidentally breeds with regular cows outside the general population

And people at super markets or farmers markets or owning their own cows get milk and do not know there is insulin added

@shortstories Bro you’re acting like this is the movie Contagion.

If people start keeling over because of insulin milk it will be tracked down and stopped.

@shortstories Then the tax payers can just vote on what gets funded.

@shortstories “Government funded bioengineering is used for unethical things lie fake vaccines.

> “Bad guys use guns so we have to ban all guns”.

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