
If you’re really fat you shouldn’t be in the gym unless you’re a power lifter. And that’s because you’re so fat and unathletic you can never have a workout that actually yields benefits before you tire out.

I see these fatties who only do weird ab exercises and yoga moves like leg kick outs and it’s so obvious they’re wasting their time.

If you’re fat don’t bother going to the gym because you’re not flexible enough nor do you have the cardiovascularity to do intense routines. Lose weight.

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@Mr_Mister Exception : if they're actually on a treadmill, elliptical, etc. just trying to burn calories they get a pass. If you're really overweight to the point that you don't have the flexibility to lift correctly you have to start somewhere.

@BHG @Mr_Mister It's not just for calorie loss. If you send your ass to the gym regularly, you effectively change your routine to include less idle time, which is a good way to go back snacking.

@marlathetourist @Mr_Mister @BHG

About 250 Calories in one donut

About 100 Calories for an average person to walk 1 mile

Maybe 200 Calories for someone of double weight to walk one mile

Obese people of double average weight or more usually walk slow even the ones who can walk multiple miles per day who claimed that they ran a marathon once when they were skinny

Typical walking speed is no more than 4 miles per hour

For an obese person it is less than 3 miles per hour

@marlathetourist @Mr_Mister @BHG

An obese person is generally not going to be able to do more than 600 Calories per hour

You can not really lose weight at a faster rate than about 700 Calories per hour without losing body protein

Above 700 Calories per hour the number of fat Calories you burn per hour decreases

Raising the intensity above 700 Calories per hour increases the percent Carbohydrate used which requires eating extra carbohydrate to reduce body protein being converted to carbs

@marlathetourist @Mr_Mister @BHG

At 700 Calories per hour you need to eat about 350 extra carbohydrate calories per hour because half of Calories is fat and half is protein

If you exercise 4 hours per day or a part time job that would only be about 1400 Calories per day if you try to prevent body protein loss by eating extra Carbohydrate

It is suggested not to go below 1000 Calories per day without consulting a medical doctor

@marlathetourist @Mr_Mister @BHG

If someone limits themself to 1000 Calories per day and they have a base metabolism of 2000 Calories per day then they will get better results as a person of double weight walking at 3 miles per hour for 4 hours per day and eating 50% of Calories burned exercising in Carbohydrates

3 miles per hour * 4 hours * 200 Calories per mile / 2

Anything more intense than walking and they will hurt their joints

& actually fat people can do the splits if they practice

@marlathetourist @Mr_Mister @BHG

The world's fattest conortionist can do the splits and looks about 300 pounds to me

Stretching and pilates burns less Calories per hour than walking so it will not help

Maybe certain moves will burn more calories per hour if it is what people call power yoga but that is too hard on obese people's joints at the required intensity to burn more calories than walking

Obese people lift weights because the weights they lift are lighter than their body

@marlathetourist @Mr_Mister @BHG

Although technically if you are obese you can get slightly betfer results that are almost the same exercising 4 hours per day then reducing diet to 1000 Calories

It is simply easier to not eat a donut then to walk an extra two and a half miles or an extra one and a quarter mile if you burn double the Calories at double the weight

@marlathetourist @Mr_Mister @BHG

If they can only really burn about 300 Calories per hour when you count extra carbohydrate eaten to prevent body protein loss of 50% of Calories burned exercising, a maximum walking speed of about 3 miles per hour because you are fat and 100 Calories per mile walking being doubled to 200 Calories per mile

They would have to exercise about 3 hours and 20 minutes per day to get the same benefits as not exercising & limiting the Calories to 1000 Calories per day

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