@Lorgar Yep. Took me over 2 months but it’s done. AI really is soemthing.


Awesome job, congrats.

Can you outline the process? What was the hardest part?

@Lorgar , you did the Gynferno right? You should redo yours like this. I enjoyed your version but it would be better with great AI voices, like sampling Sandman's actual voice. That would be funny as hell when he says "And cheeeeers!"

@UncleIroh @Mr_Mister I'm not sure it's ok to steal the voice of someone. But I agree that I should redo an audio of my book (and write the next parts!)


@Lorgar Well that’s why I’m not going to monetize this. I’m also not going to do anything illegal or malicious with these voices.

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@Mr_Mister @Lorgar

I think I've heard TFM say he's OK with people using his material and voice, could be wrong about that.

Sandman would probably be up for it if you asked.

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