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So France just made abortion a constitutional right.

The cuckening will continue until morale improves.

Mr_Mister boosted

I’m thinking of making memes that have to do with logical fallacies and how to identify them.

The SOTU is tomorrow if anyone cares. I really hope some leftists disrupt it over the genocide in Gaza.

@Tfmonkey “If you’re gonna kill your self at least make the world a better place on your way out.”

While ChatGPT and generative imagery is in the news scientific discoveries like this show the greatest potential of ai.

Mr_Mister boosted

You can't have any meaningful relationships without boundaries.

However you can't have boundaries on people you're financially dependent on.

This is why the biggest sources of stress are school, the workplace, and family.

Without 💰 you're stuck with random people who may or may not be sane and will drive you crazy.

If you have $ you simply leave when someone acts out of line.

No insane people = happiness

I rest my case.

Mr_Mister boosted

Whenever a man takes it, whether the easy way or the hard way.

I just wonder how they’ll spin this. It’d be funny if they blame makeup or tampons or some shit that women use a lot.

Mr_Mister boosted

Hey so you know how truckers are supposedly not going to deliver food to NYC anymore? Well the “leader” Chicago Ray cucked out.

It’s so unfortunate that you can’t spread the word without being targeted.

When SHTF it’s gonna come down to men without families to do everything.

You heard it hear folks a nigger thinks every other nigger is a criminal just for being a nigger

@Tfmonkey Do you know the name of that study where they tried to enact equity (communism) in a classroom by giving the A students’ points to D-students and everyone failing as a result? I’ve been looking but can’t find it.

Watch this whole Super Bowl Parade shooting get memory-holes once the news shows he’s an illegal immigrant.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.