Can the birth rate be increased by changing the school and college curriculum to include different talking points while still allowing women to attend school & college

@shortstories Iran proves that even a theocracy isn't enough as long as you educate women.


@Tfmonkey @shortstories nah uh Ben kikeshiro said religion is the answer and he talks faster than you so he wins... Wins a trip to the oven.

@MrpoopyButhole @Tfmonkey @shortstories
It's quite a feat that Ben Shapiro manages to speak that fast in english when he has to mentally translate and censor every word from hebrew in his mind.

@Zeb @MrpoopyButhole @Tfmonkey

If I had to guess then Hebrew is not Ben Shapiro's first language he learned

More German Jews spoke Yiddish than Hebrew during world war 2 and earlier

Most German Jews speak better German than Hebrew

Most Jews in the United States speak better English than Hebrew

It is a zionist false myth that the language of pure Hebrew was revived in Israel in fullfillment of another zionist fabricated prophecy

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