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@Justicar I asked the question are nickgurs human. It's Google notebook LM.

@mutageno2 what is this supposed to be a hit list for the Jews?

@mutageno2 oh no Mr nasrallah got killed? That's a damn shame. Might as well cuck out now I suppose

@PordanJeterson I ask because you babble nonsense like a woman. Must have cut your dick off

I got a black eye! Now it don't work no more.

Holy fuck this fuckin dickhead was scream muh inversion recession recession now it un inverts and he says recession recession!!!!

One of my greatest joys in life is making fun of trauma
Listen to have you tried it? on Suno! 🎵

If the Haitians eat all the dogs what are the white women gonna fuck?

@Justicar it's your right as an American to be racist. Exercise your freedom. Use it or lose it

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.