Hey guys I didn't rape that woman. I had single party consent!

@LysanderMooner why do you need to ask permission to defend yourself?

@SamHarris ya the fuck Trudeau stickers didn't make themselves

I think I might know why so many women are depressed and on drugs. Maybe it's because reality is asserting itself and they are powerless to change anything. Yet they worry about the things they can't change. Solution? Band aid solution

Wow this guys fucking wild.

Did you know inflation is what the consumer is willing to pay? Holy shit why didn't I think of that???

[Macro Voices] MacroVoices #458 David Rosenberg: Lament of A Bear
podcastaddict.com/macro-voices via @PodcastAddict

Ha ha murder is evil guys, when our boys get back from Ukraine we gonna throw them in jail! Cuz murder is objectively evil. My majic book says so!

Read the article you fucking like, Russia missile don't work s400 no good paper tiger. I win duuur

@Justicar correction, the government and adding them to the S&p passive index investing did

Syria got thanksgiving late this year. Ha ha get it? Turkey!

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