@Indignation pretending kikes are human is your first mistake. Gas them all

I can't believe this gets better and better through the whole thing.

@DicusMaximus I'm just amazed last show he didn't beg for money. Member Jew coin? Dey wuz gonna finance yo propertay n sheeeeit

@Indignation why doesn't he just kill her? Oh that's right because that would be wrong...

@shortstories both lower fertility because they are not at home making babies

@Tfmonkey @shortstories nah uh Ben kikeshiro said religion is the answer and he talks faster than you so he wins... Wins a trip to the oven.

@cowanon people that pretend they can prove negatives are in fact

@cowanon that's the idea. Better to not exist than not know how to end it.

@cowanon that's why I'm agnostic because I'm not a fake piece of shit like a Christ cuck

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