Less supply and more demand,
Gets my dick hard in my hand,
When I stroke it is no joke,
Prices soar for normal folk.
Fuckem hard and fuckem long,
Less supply is really wrong.
When the cucks cry for more shit,
Give em hell get over it.
So fuckem hard and fuckem well,
When we're gone we'll goto hell.
Niggers stink and that is true,
Invest in gas till balls are Blue. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-New-Playbook-For-US-Shale-More-For-Shareholders-Less-Output-Growth.html
Ah shit cucker has principles. https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1668747661028081664?s=20. Vote for djt cause muh principles. Fuckin faggot
Buy it for 2 sell it for 9 you dumb fucking nigger cattle. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/3-Freeport-LNG-Trains-Back-Online-Amid-Volatile-Natural-Gas-Prices.html
"A full return of Freeport LNG to the market comes at a time when weak Chinese demand recovery and high inventories are keeping prices suppressed."
You fucking brain dead retard.
Ah fuck @Tfmonkey was right again! https://apnews.com/article/army-air-force-recruiting-shortfall-immigrants-citizenship-2cd690352210606945010d1800c5bdbe. Except COVID, Ukraine, trump, inflation, women .....
I figured it out! The reason blacks commit so much crime is because they can't read. If you can't read laws it's not their fault. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/tucker-talks-taboos-after-msm-ignores-instagram-kiddie-porn-bombshell
The terrorism gets even more extreme.
Hydroelectric dam in Kherson partially destroyed – mayor https://www.rt.com/russia/577548-kakhovskaya-hydroelectric-dam-breach/
I like how 30 fuckin seconds ago the fuckin cunts said ttf day ahead futures were heading negative. https://www.naturalgasintel.com/ttf-soars-as-maintenance-unplanned-outages-tighten-global-natural-gas-supplies-lng-recap/
@ButtWorldsMan totally BTFO in the chat not even first. Poor guy, hope you didn't yellow dot yourself.
Solar is not flexible solar is straight solar is anti lgbtqaiipsljevhsuufifoepwqkalzmxncbvgdtyreu
To faggots and beyond! Disney fires top execs after box-office flop – Reuters https://www.rt.com/pop-culture/577456-disney-fires-pixar-executives/
Opec cut but no embargo. Sads.https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/opec-meets-debate-production-quotas-new-cut-sources-2023-06-04/
Uh oh Dave's in trouble with sponsorship. https://youtu.be/wd-YtvsrmYw
When you sub the SPR for commercial inventory your gonna have a bad time. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LTYgTBcLPTE