Listen to at 1:10:00. Makes sense that Europe a non fossil fuel producer wants to push climate change. Because they are fighting over resources. When you gonna have Tom on @Tfmonkey ?
[Gold Goats 'n Guns Podcast] Episode #161 - Vince Lanci and Tuning the Piano of Financial Bias 🅴 #goldGoatsNGunsPodcast via @PodcastAddict
@Tfmonkey the wrinkle dink .
Nature’s call: Why even 100 million toilets is not enough to overcome India’s age-old practice
Is tfm @Tfmonkey high as fuck in the MMM? Just listen to the Audio.
Blue eyed samari is a trans man anime! @Tfmonkey it's everything you want in an animooooo. A cripple befriends a trans man! And they kill pee poh
@PordanJeterson fuck off kike
I thought Harry had a dent in his head.
But muh gun lawz
Gunman storms through gate at Hamburg airport – media