Rhett boosted

Millions of German civilians died brutal and unnecessary deaths after the guns fell silent, in WW2.

Jackals like these cheered it on.. gloated over the mass-rape, slaughter, starvation, in malevolent glee.

Today, Hollywood endlessly churns out movies glorifying this type.

@Tfmonkey now that you've finally fully come around to acknowledging that even if it were the Cathedral, it is in the clutches of the Zionists/Jews, can we just call it the Synagogue now? Because that's what it is. Not to mention, the retard who came up with the makings of labelling our corrupt system as the cathedral Curtis Yarvin is.. wait for it.. a Jew. I used to be like you insofar that I was lenient and skeptical about whether it was the Jews or just general marxist/feminist cringe but..

@Tfmonkey youtu.be/l6j8mmLoaIA Have a look at this video, when you can, people are waking up more now than ever. Honestly this guy's channel is pretty interesting as is, but this video is his most grounded vid yet. Of course he's on Youtube and he does tow the line but he touches on a lot of different topics.

@Tfmonkey Hey, long time viewer just wanted to cross reference something that Alex (PWF) swears he never misled you on. I accused him of misleading you into debates on his streams in the past and he says these emails he provided me prove that he didn't mislead you. Personally don't believe him, but I want to get it from you as well since it matters to me. I wanted his side (benefit of the doubt), and I also would like your side for clarity. Thanks in advance.

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.